About me


Dr Atis Elsts is a senior researcher at Chaos Labs.

Highlights of recent work

November 2024: I have switched to a full-time role at Chaos Labs.

January 2024: I’m reducing my workload at EDI in order to focus on consulting work.

June 2023: the TIME-AMP project project has been successfully concluded, with a novel picosecond-accuracy event and amplitude analyzer developed in the project.

January 2023: The PRAESIIDIUM Horizon Europe project has started! The objective of EDI in the project is to develop a wearable device with biompendance capabilities.

November 2021: I’m presenting our work on TSCH for smart homes at the SenSys’21 conference, journal paper track!

February 2021: I’m presenting a demo abstract on TSCH-Sim in the EWSN 2021 conference.

December 2020: the paper “TSCH for Long Range Low Data Rate Applications” is accepted in IEEE Access.

September 2020: the paper “TSCH-Sim: Scaling Up Simulations of TSCH and 6TiSCH Networks” is accepted in MDPI Sensors.

June 2020: Collaboration with University of Bristol on feature selection is accepted in Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks and Applications.

March 2020: Collaboration with Seoul National University on TSCH scheduling accepted in IEEE Access.

March 2020: Collaboration with University of Bristol and Technical University of Denmark on on-board activity classification for wearables is accepted in MDPI Sensors.

October 2019: The paper on SPHERE TSCH has been accepted in the ACM Transactions on Internet of Things.

On the SPHERE project (smart homes for healthcare): on the low-power wireless infrastructure for the 100-homes deployment, on lessons learned from using the Contiki OS, on feature extraction on wearables for daily activity recognition of the participants.

On the Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) network protocol: mobility in TSCH, sub-GHz TSCH network, TSCH for Contiki, channel selection, scheduling, simulation, the TSCH implementation on CC2650, and time synchronization using TSCH (1) (2).

Software and datasets

See GitHub for more.

Highlights of research positions

  • Research Associate in Internet of Things Networking at the University of Bristol and a core member of the SPHERE interdisciplinary research collaboration (IRC).

  • Researcher at SICS Swedish ICT (now RISE SICS), 2015. Atis was a member of the Networked Embedded Systems Group and participated in implementing the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH protocol in the Contiki operating system.

  • Researcher at Uppsala University, 2014-2015. Atis was involved in the ProFuN project (A Programming Platform for Future Wireless Sensor Networks), where his contribution was the ProFuN TG, a tool for developing and managing sensor network applications that are aware of performance requirements.

  • Research assistant at the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (IECS or EDI, Riga, Latvia), 2010-2013, and PhD student at University of Latvia. Atis’ PhD thesis describes a software framework designed to facilitate wireless sensor network programming.


Journal papers

  1. J. Ormanis, V. Medvedevs, A. Sevcenko, V. Aristov, V. Abolins, A. Elsts. Dataset on the Human Body as a Signal Propagation Medium for Body Coupled Communication. Data in Brief, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109892

  2. V. Aristov, A. Elsts. Human Body as a Signal Transmission Medium for Body-Coupled Communication: Galvanic-Mode Models. Electronics, 2023, 12(21), 4550. [HTML] https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12214550

  3. D. Lapsa, R. Janeliukstis, A. Elsts. Adaptive Signal-to-Noise Ratio Indicator for Wearable Bioimpedance Monitoring. Sensors, 2023, 23(20), 8532. [HTML] https://doi.org/10.3390/s23208532

  4. A. Kalinovskis, V. Stepanovs, A. Ancans, A. Elsts. ETAM: Next Generation Event Timer for Picosecond-Precision Time and Amplitude Measurements. Sensors, 23(14), 6380. [HTML] https://doi.org/10.3390/s23146380

  5. G. Oikonomou, S. Duquennoy, A. Elsts, J. Eriksson, Y. Tanaka, N. Tsiftes. The Contiki-NG open source operating system for next generation IoT devices, SoftwareX, Elsevier, 2022, [HTML] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2022.101089

  6. A. Elsts, R. McConville. Are Microcontrollers Ready for Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition? Electronics, 2021, 10(21), 2640. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10212640

  7. C. Orfanidis, A. Elsts, P. Pop, X. Fafoutis. TSCH Evaluation under Heterogeneous Mobile Scenarios IoT 2, no. 4 (2021): 656-668. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3390/iot2040033

  8. M. Lulla, A. Rutkovskis, A. Slavinska, A. Vilde, A. Gromova, M. Ivanovs, A. Skadins, R. Kadikis, A. Elsts. Hand-Washing Video Dataset Annotated According to the World Health Organization’s Hand-Washing Guidelines. Data. 2021; 6(4):38. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3390/data6040038

  9. N. Barkovskis, K. Ozols, A. Elsts. Survey of Low-Power Wireless Network Technologies for the Internet of Things, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2021, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 177–194. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411621020024

  10. R. Piyare, G. Oikonomou, A. Elsts. TSCH for Long Range Low Data Rate Applications, IEEE Access, 2020, 8 (2020), pp. 228754-228766. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3046769

  11. A. Elsts. TSCH-Sim: Scaling Up Simulations of TSCH and 6TiSCH Networks, Sensors 2020, 20, 5663. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3390/s20195663

  12. A. Elsts, N. Twomey, R. McConville, and I. Craddock. Energy-efficient activity recognition framework using wearable accelerometers, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020, 168, p.102770. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102770

  13. A. Elsts, S. Kim, H. Kim, C. Kim. An Empirical Survey of Autonomous Scheduling Methods for TSCH, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp. 67147-67165. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2980119

  14. P. Zalewski, L. Marchegiani, A. Elsts, R. Piechocki, I. Craddock and X. Fafoutis. From Bits of Data to Bits of Knowledge—An On-Board Classification Framework for Wearable Sensing Systems, Sensors, 2020, 20(6), 1655. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3390/s20061655

  15. A. Elsts, X. Fafoutis, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. TSCH Networks for Health IoT: Design, Evaluation and Trials in the Wild, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2020, 1(2), pp.1-27. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1145/3366617

  16. A. Elsts, X. Fafoutis, P. Woznowski, E. Tonkin, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Enabling Healthcare in Smart Homes: The SPHERE IoT Network Infrastructure, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2018. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2017.1700791

  17. N. Twomey, T. Diethe, X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, R. McConville, P. Flach and I. Craddock. A Comprehensive Study of Activity Recognition using Accelerometers. MDPI Informatics, 2018. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics5020027

  18. X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Experiences and Lessons Learned from Making IoT Sensing Platforms for Large-Scale Deployments, IEEE Access, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2787418

  19. A. Elsts, X. Fafoutis, S. Duquennoy, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Temperature-Resilient Time Synchronization for the Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2017.2778746

  20. X. Fafoutis, A. Vafeas, B. Janko, R. S. Sherratt, J. Pope, A. Elsts, E. Mellios, G. Hilton, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Designing Wearable Sensing Platforms for Healthcare in a Residential Environment. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, 17(12), 2017. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.7-9-2017.153063

  21. A. Elsts, A. Pentjuss and E. Stalidzans, SpaceScanner: COPASI wrapper for automated management of global stochastic optimisation experiments, Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, 2017, http://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx363

  22. V. Komasilovs, A. Pentjuss, A. Elsts and E. Stalidzans, Total enzyme activity constraint and homeostatic constraint impact on the optimization potential of a kinetic model, Biosystems, Elsevier, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2017.09.016

  23. A. Elsts, A. Mednis and L. Selavo. Bayesian Network Approach to Vehicle Mode Monitoring Using Embedded System with 3-axis Accelerometer, International Journal of Imaging & Robotics (ISSN 2231-525X), Vol 13(1), 2014.

  24. G. Strazdins, A. Elsts, K. Nesenbergs and L. Selavo. Wireless sensor network operating system design rules based on real-world deployment survey, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, Vol 2(3), pp. 509-556, 2013.


Conference and workshop papers

  1. D. Lapsa, R. Janeliukštis, A. Elsts. Electrode Comparison for Heart Rate Detection via Bioimpedance Measurements, 2022 Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW), IEEE. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1109/MTTW56973.2022.9942569

  2. A. Elsts, M. Ivanovs, R. Kadikis, O. Sabelnikovs. CNN for Hand Washing Movement Classification: What Matters More-the Approach or the Dataset?, 2022 Eleventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), IEEE. [PDF] https://doi.org/10.1109/IPTA54936.2022.9784153

  3. J. Ormanis, V. Medvedevs, V. Abolins, G. Gaigals, A. Elsts. Signal Loss in Body Coupled Communication: Guide for Accurate Measurements, 2022 Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench), IEEE. [PDF]

  4. C. Bae, S. Yang, M. Baddeley, A. Elsts, I. Haque. BlueTiSCH: A Multi-PHY Simulation of Low-Power 6TiSCH IoT Networks, IEEE Globecom 2022. [PDF]

  5. O. Zemlanuhina, M. Lulla, A. Rutkovskis, A. Slavinska, A. Vilde, A. Melbarde-Kelmere, A. Elsts, M. Ivanovs, O. Sabelnikovs. Influence of different types of real-time feedback on hand washing quality assessed with neural networks/simulated neural networks. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 131, p. 02008), 2022. EDP Sciences. [PDF]

  6. J. Ormanis, A. Elsts. Towards Body Coupled Communication for eHealth: Experimental Study of Human Body Frequency Response. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (pp. 1-7). [PDF]

  7. A. Vafeas, M. I. Biswas, X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, I. Craddock, R. Piechocki, G. Oikonomou. Wearable Devices for Digital Health: The SPHERE Wearable 3. Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN): On-Body Sensor Networks (OBSN 2020). [PDF]

  8. A. Elsts, J. Pope, X. Fafoutis, R. Piechocki, G. Oikonomou. Instant: A TSCH Schedule for Data Collection from Mobile Nodes. EWSN 2019, Beijing, February 2019. [PDF]

  9. A. Mavromatis, G. Z. Papadopoulos, A. Elsts, N. Montavont, R. Piechocki, T. Tryfonas, G. Oikonomou and X. Fafoutis. Adaptive Guard Time for Energy-Efficient IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks. IFIP WWIC, Bologna, Italy, June 2019. [PDF]

  10. A. Elsts, E. Mitskas, G. Oikonomou. Distributed Ledger Technology and the Internet of Things: A Feasibility Study. The 1st Workshop on Blockchain-enabled Networked Sensor Systems (BlockSys), Shenzhen, November 2018. [PDF] (Best Paper Award)

  11. X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, A. Vafeas, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki. On Predicting the Battery Lifetime of IoT Devices: Experiences from the SPHERE Deployments. 7th International Workshop on Real-World Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (RealWSN), Shenzhen, November 2018. [PDF]

  12. X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, G. Oikonomou, and R. Piechocki. SPHERE deployment manager: a tool for deploying IoT sensor networks at large scale. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-NOW), St. Malo, France, September 2018.

  13. A. Vafeas, A. Elsts, J. Pope, X. Fafoutis, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Energy-Efficient, Noninvasive Water Flow Sensor. In Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), Taormina, Italy, June 2018.

  14. J. Pope, A. Vafeas, A. Elsts, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki, I. Craddock. An Accelerometer Lossless Compression Algorithm and Energy Analysis for IoT Devices, IoT-Health 2018, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW).

  15. A. Elsts, R. McConville, X. Fafoutis, N. Twomey, R. Piechocki, R. Santos-Rodriguez and I. Craddock. On-Board Feature Extraction from Acceleration Data for Activity Recognition, EWSN 2018. [PDF]

  16. X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Adaptive Static Scheduling in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks, 2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT).

  17. X. Fafoutis, L. Marchegiani, A. Elsts, J. Pope, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Extending the Battery Lifetime of Wearable Sensors with Embedded Machine Learning, 2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT).

  18. A. Elsts, G. Oikonomou, X. Fafoutis and R. Piechocki. Internet of Things for Smart Homes: Lessons Learned from the SPHERE Case Study, 1st Global Internet of Things Summit, 2017. [PDF]

  19. A. Elsts, X. Fafoutis, G. Oikonomou and R. Piechocki. Adaptive Channel Selection in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks, 1st Global Internet of Things Summit, 2017. [PDF]

  20. S. Duquennoy, A. Elsts, B. Al Nahas, G. Oikonomou. TSCH and 6TiSCH for Contiki: Challenges, Design and Evaluation, DCOSS, 2017. [PDF]

  21. A. Elsts, X. Fafoutis, J. Pope, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock. Scheduling High-Rate Unpredictable Traffic in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks, DCOSS, 2017. [PDF]

  22. A. Elsts, S. Duquennoy, X. Fafoutis, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki and I. Craddock, Microsecond-Accuracy Time Synchronization Using the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Protocol, IEEE LCN 2016. [PDF]

  23. A. Elsts. Source-Node Selection to Increase the Reliability of Sensor Networks for Building Automation. EWSN 2016. [PDF] [presentation]

  24. A. Elsts, F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, M. Jacobsson, and K. Sagonas, ProFuN TG: A Tool for Programming and Managing Performance-Aware Sensor Network Applications. IEEE SenseApp, 2015. [PDF]

  25. A. Elsts, Hjalmar Wennerstrom, and Christian Rohner. IEEE 802.15.4 Channel Diversity in an Outdoor Environment. RealWSN, 2015. [PDF]

  26. A. Elsts, F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, M. Jacobsson, and K. Sagonas, Enabling Design of Performance-Controlled Sensor Network Applications Through Task Allocation and Reallocation. In proceedings of DCOSS 2015 (presented in the IEEE 7th International Workshop on Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks). [PDF]

  27. A. Elsts and L. Selavo, Improving the Usability of Wireless Sensor Network Operating Systems, 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS). [PDF]

  28. A. Elsts, J. Judvaitis, L. Selavo, SEAL: A Domain-Specific Language for Novice Wireless Sensor Network Programmers, 39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2013), Santander, Spain, September 4-6, 2013, pp. 220-227. [PDF]

  29. A. Elsts and L. Selavo, A User-Centric Approach to Wireless Sensor Network Programming Languages, Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA12), Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 29-30, June 2, 2012. [PDF]

  30. A. Mednis, A. Elsts, and L. Selavo. Embedded Solution for Road Condition Monitoring Using Vehicular Sensor Networks, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2012), pp. 248-252, IEEE, 2012. [PDF]

  31. A. Elsts, R. Balass, J. Judvaitis and L. Selavo, SAD: Wireless Sensor Network System for Microclimate Monitoring in Precision Agriculture, in Proceedings of the 5-th international scientific conference Applied information and communication technologies (AICT 2012), Jelgava, Latvia, April 26-27, ISBN 978-9984-48-065-7, pp. 271-281, 2012. [PDF]

  32. A. Elsts, R. Balass, J. Judvaitis, R. Zviedris, G. Strazdins, L. Selavo and A. Mednis, SADmote: A Robust and Cost-Effective Device for Environmental Monitoring, in Proceedings of the conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2012), pp. 225-237, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. [PDF]


Book chapters

  1. P. Woznowski, A. Burrows, T. Diethe, X. Fafoutis, J. Hall, S. Hannuna, M. Camplani, N. Twomey, M. Kozlowski, B. Tan, N. Zhu, A. Elsts, A. Vafeas, A. Paiement, L. Tao, M. Mirmehdi, T. Burghardt, D. Damen, P. Flach, R. Piechocki, I. Craddock and G. Oikonomou. SPHERE: A Sensor Platform for Healthcare in a Residential Environment. In Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT Solutions, pp 315-333, Springer, 2017.


Poster and demo abstracts, technical reports, and national-level workshop papers

  1. A. Elsts, Uniswap v3 Liquidity Math, Technical Note, 2021. [PDF] http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4575232

  2. A. Elsts, Large Scale Wireless Network Simulations with TSCH-Sim, EWSN 2021. [PDF] https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/3451271.3451295

  3. M. Ivanovs, R. Kadikis, M. Lulla, A. Rutkovskis, A. Elsts, Automated Quality Assessment of Hand Washing Using Deep Learning, arXiv preprint, 2020. [PDF]

  4. T. Yamagata, R. Santos-Rodríguez, R. McConville, A. Elsts. Online Feature Selection for Activity Recognition using Reinforcement Learning with Multiple Feedback, arXiv preprint, 2019. [PDF]

  5. A. Elsts, T. Burghardt, D. Byrne, M. Camplani, D. Damen, X. Fafoutis, S. Hannuna, W. Harwin, M. Holmes, B. Janko, V. Ponce Lopez, A. Masullo, M. Mirmehdi, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki, R. S. Sherratt, E. Tonkin, N. Twomey, A. Vafeas, P. Woznowski, I. Craddock. A Guide to the SPHERE 100 Homes Study Dataset, arXiv preprint, 2018. [PDF]

  6. X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, A. Vafeas, G. Oikonomou and R. Piechocki. Demo: SPES-2 – A Sensing Platform for Maintenance-Free Residential Monitoring, EWSN 2017. [PDF]

  7. A. Elsts, X. Fafoutis, A. Adeleke, G. Oikonomou, R. Piechocki, S. Duquennoy, A. Liñán, M. Fàbregas. Competition: Adaptive Time-Slotted Channel Hopping, EWSN 2017. [PDF]

  8. A. Mavromatis, G. Papadopoulos, X. Fafoutis, A. Elsts, G. Oikonomou and T. Tryfonas, Impact of Guard Time Length on IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH Energy Consumption. IEEE SECON 2016. [PDF]

  9. A. Elsts, F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, M. Jacobsson, and K. Sagonas, ProFuN TG: Programming Sensornets with Task Graphs for Increased Reliability and Energy-Efficiency. Accepted in IEEE Local Computer Networks (LCN 2015) Demo session.

  10. A. Elsts, Optimal Task Allocation in Sensor and Actuator Networks, SNCNW’15, Karlstad, May 28-29, 2015.

  11. A. Elsts and Konstantinos Sagonas, ProFuN TG: A Tool for Programming and Managing Dependable Sensor Network Applications. Technical report, Uppsala University, 2015. [PDF]

  12. A. Elsts, F. Hassani Bijarbooneh, M. Jacobsson, and K. Sagonas, Demo Abstract: ProFuN TG: A Tool Using Abstract Task Graphs to Facilitate the Development, Deployment and Maintenance of Wireless Sensor Network Applications, in the 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN’15), Porto, Portugal, 2015.
    [Video] [PDF] [Poster]

  13. A. Elsts and E. Ngai, A Case For Node-Local Adaptations in Wireless Sensor Networks, SNCNW’14, Västerås, June 2-3, 2014.
    Poster: [PDF]

  14. J. Judvaitis, A. Elsts, L. Selavo, Demo Abstract: SEAL-Blockly: Sensor Network Visual Programming Using a Web Browser, 10th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2013), Poster and Demo Proceedings, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
    Poster abstract: [PDF]
    Poster: [PDF]

  15. A. Elsts, J. Judvaitis, L. Selavo, Poster Abstract: SEAL: An Easy-to-use Sensor Node Application Development System, 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2012), Poster and Demo Proceedings, pp. 31-32, Trento, Italy, 2012.
    Poster abstract: [PDF]
    Poster: [JPG]

  16. A. Elsts, G. Strazdins, A. Vihrov, and L. Selavo, Design and Implementation of MansOS: a Wireless Sensor Network Operating System, Scientific Papers, University of Latvia, Vol. 787, pp. 79-105, 2012. [PDF]

  17. G. Strazdins, A. Elsts, and L. Selavo, MansOS: easy to use, portable and resource efficient operating system for networked embedded devices (poster abstract). In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’10), ACM, pp. 427-428, 2010. [PDF]
    Poster: [PDF]

  18. R. Zviedris, A. Elsts, G. Strazdins, A. Mednis and L. Selavo, LynxNet: Wild Animal Monitoring Using Sensor Networks (poster abstract). In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Vol. 6511, Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN’10), Pages 170-173, 2010, Springer. [PDF]

Ph.D. thesis

  • A Framework to Facilitate Wireless Sensor Network Application Development, 2013, University of Latvia. [PDF]

Academic services


  • Guest lecturer, Computer Networks, University of Latvia, 2021
  • Guest lecturer, Computer Network Security, Technical University of Denmark, 2020
  • Guest lecturer, Wireless Networking and Sensing in e-Healthcare, University of Bristol, 2018
  • Guest lecturer, Wireless Sensor Networks, University of Latvia, 2011 and 2012
  • Guest lecturer, Operating Systems, Latvia University of Agriculture, 2013
  • Substitute lecturer and teaching assistant, Linux System Programming, University of Latvia, 2011, 2012, and 2013
  • Teaching assistant, Sociotechnical Systems Engineering project course in IT (a project developing a smart city IS), Uppsala University, Spring 2015
  • Teaching assistant, Computer Networks III project course, Uppsala University, Spring 2015


  • Undergraduate thesis supervision for 3 students on wireless sensor network topics.
  • Master thesis supervision for 2 students on wireless sensor network protocols (University of Bristol, University of Latvia)
  • Master thesis supervision for 1 student on cryptocurrency protocols in IoT (University of Bristol)
  • Master thesis review (i.e. de facto partial supervision in the Swedish system) for 2 students.
  • Internship supervision for multiple students at the University of Bristol and IECS.

Reviews, journals

Editorial work

See also my Web of Science profile.

Reviews, conferences

Contact information


I’m currently available for selected advisory roles.

My past work has included hands-on research and development type of consulting on selected topics.

Example Internet of Things projects with:

  • ACKCIO, Singapore - Contiki-NG and TSCH improvements for mine & building monitoring applications.
  • Amber Agriculture, USA - Contiki-NG and TSCH customization for long range networks.
  • Datamars SA and Miromico, Switzerland - Contiki-NG TSCH customization for large scale networks with mobile elements.
  • MIMOS Berhard, Malaysia - 6LBR integration, TSCH performance investigation.
  • Cysca Technologies - TSCH performance optimization.

The projects include real-world deployed networks with up to 100 nodes.


atis.elsts at gmail.com